Junko Faruta: The most brutally tortured person in recorded history

Junko Faruta: The most brutally tortured person in recorded history

The world has seen brutality being redefined in every age and time.

Junko Faruta

She was a 17 year old Japanese girl who was kidnapped by a group of men, what followed was a 44 day torture.

They fed her cockroaches to eat, urine to drink. Objects inserted into her vagina included a light bulb, broken bottles, cigarettes, fireworks. She was raped 500 times in those 44 days.

Constant physical hits using a golf club and face bashed against cement floor Her brain actually started shrinking from the trauma Dumpbells were dropped on her stomach while she lay on the ground, making her losebowell control Hung from the ceiling and used as a boxing bag
On the last day, she begged them to kill her. Instead ,they gave her a chance to escape if she beat them in Solitaire.

She won the game, but her reward was being set ablaze, part by part.
Her corpse was found stuffed in a concrete-filled barrel in Tokyo the other day. Beating them in Solitaire on the last day, after having gone through the worst torture ever, speaks volumes of her courage.

I don’t think any other torture comes even close to this.

Meet Farkhunda Malikzada, 27 years old Afghan woman, a devout Muslim, a religious teacher in a mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan. One day, on March 2015, she had an argument with a caretaker of Shah Do Shamshira Mosque, the Shrine of the King of Two Swords, about his practice of selling charms in front of the mosque.

During the argument, he accused her of burning the Qura  and shouted: “In the name of God, kill her! she has burned the Quran!”. She responded “I am a Muslim, and a Muslim do not burn the Quran!”

But it was too late. Hundreds of men gathered around Farkhunda. The mob was able to drag her and began beating and kicking her. Out of nowhere, there were rumors that she was working with Americans. The crowd got more emotional. They dragged her into the street and savagely beat and stomped her.

She was bludgeoned with sticks and rocks, then placed in the road and run over by a car, dragging her body 300 feet.

The mob then dragged her body to the nearby bank of the Kabul River, took turns stoning her and setting her on fire. Her body was soaked in blood and would not burn, so the crowd ripped off articles of their clothing to ignite and maintain the fire.

The police just stood by after failing to control the crowd.

This event did not happen 1000 years ago. This event happened 1 year ago.

Image Source: Google
