A US Soldier shouts at a cameraman shortly after a suic*de attack in Afghanistan, 2012 This attack took place in 2012

A US Soldier shouts at a cameraman
shortly after a suic*de attack in Afghanistan, 2012 This attack took place in 2012.

The attack was carried out by a man who approached a group of US soldiers and Afghan policemen and detonated a b*mb. At least 10
people were killed, 3 of them being US soldiers.

The soldier above, who is injured in his leg, is likely disoriented and paranoid after such an attack and is yelling at a cameraman to keep his distance. Suic*de attacks, despite stereotypes, are not only used by radical or extremist Muslims. Suic*de warfare can be seen among many different cultures and regions across the world. To die intentionally during combat in a strategicmanner can be due to several reasons. 

Examples can be
seen in the following:

1. Patriotic - to inspire others to fight in their death.
2. Strategic reasoning - to get an explosive device as close to the hostile as possible.
3. Religious - some people believe that if they die intentionally, they will be martyred and will go to a higher plain of existence.
4. Limited options- lack of equipment can lead to extreme methods used.
Countries that have used these tactics or intentional death to gain military advantage intensively include, but are not limited to: Ireland, Japan, some countries from the Middle East, the Philippines and the Soviet Union (animalsb*mbs). Some smaller political, radical or militant groups
also have used intentional death as a method of warfare. Different attack methods can be used outside of

These methods change throughout history depending on different factors. This article is to highlight this in a
general historical perspective.
