Meet the man that received instant karma after committing a crime

She’s a young woman, a teacher, somebody snatched her purse and rode away on bike while she was walking down the street. She reported it to Police afterwards, a case was registered and investigation initiated. I learned of it yesterday noon, and got to see the CCTV footage of this incident.

Since then I have not slept, I give you my word!

It shows the veiled young lady walking in the alley, minding her own business, and a biker approaches behind her and snatches her purse hung by the shoulder. The lady out of this sudden and grave drag; so violently gets swung and falls on her face on the street, while the snatcher rides calmly away without even looking back or even moving a muscle. Like literally nothing has happened.

I cannot upload the video here, I guess. You got to message me and I’ll share it. Words won’t do justice describing the heart-breaking fall of that lady, and ruthlessness of that culprit. Ask me and I’ll provide it to you.

Such a shameless disregard of women, oh my goodness!

“You Sir have our complete and undivided attention”. I mumbled looking at the masked culprit’s paused video.

Besides the team working on this case; additional hand-picked field-officers were tasked to find this criminal…today! We don’t care if there’s no substantial clue to begin with, folks gotta make some miracle. The end result should be the arrest of this beast, and that too Today!

And we got him in few hours.

The snatched items have been recovered. He’s charged aptly with multiple sections, also being thoroughly investigated for other similar crimes he had committed in the past, it will most definitely be ensured that he’s awarded a befitting imprisonment punishment.

I almost forgot to mention something you might wonder about, why is he not in the lockup, instead it looks like someone behind him is holding a drip needle, ready to provide him medical treatment.

Actually he got shot during the arrest, he resisted, pointed a gun at Police Officers and ended up shooting himself…. leaving a hole in his wrist.
